Parts that fit your Lastec machine
Besides parts for Lastec, RDM Parts offers manuals for several mowers. this ensures that you can easily find the right part for your machine. Some popular parts for the Lastec machines are drive belts and mowing blades. We specialise in delivering high quality parts for a favorable price.
RDM Parts supplies mowing blades and mulching blades. While the mulching blades are not in the original product line, RDM Parts supplies them because in some cases the mowing results are better with mulching blades. A good addition to the original product range. There is also a blade that creates a vacuum, this lifts the grass and makes sure the blade has a clean cut.
If efficiency and durability are your priorities, Lastec has the best mower for you. The company develops machines with these priorities in mind. This allows them to develop a mower that uses 30 to 50 percent less fuel than a comparable model with hydraulic propulsion. The mower brand solely uses mowing decks that have a drive belt. This is efficient and cuts back on maintenance.
By using a hinged mowing deck, Lastec distincts itself from other mower companies. This feature allows the decks to easily mow uneven terrain. This also guarantees a good mowing result because the decks have an even clearance from the ground.
Lastec products:
Lastec has several types of mowers, including front mounted mowers, zero turn mowers and tow behind mowers. This makes for a complete range of mowers that are usable for all mowing challenges. Because the machines are light, they need less energy for the same mowing results. This makes sure the costs of running the machines are lowered.