Afstelgereedschap maai/verticuteer unit
Al het gereedschap om uw kooimaaier en verticuteer unit optimaal af te stellen. Van maaihoogte tot Groomer diepte.
Do you want to adjust the mowing height and grooming dept very precise? Use the adjustment tools of RDM Parts to adjust the reels of the Toro, John Deere, Jacobsen, Ransomes, Baronness Hayter mowing units.
Adjust the mowing height of the green and tee mower
Use the R184, this is attached perpendicular on the mowing unit. The R184 has to lie on the rear and front roll. The pawl gets hooked under the bedknife and you can read the mowing height from the digital screen of the device. The height can be adjusted with the rolls.>
The 185 is also used to adjust the mowing height of your mowing units. The tool is placed perpendicular to the mowing unit, making the strip touch the rear and front roll. The square plate is pressed against the top of the groomer. This allows you to read the height of the groomer.
The RDM-PC is used to level the rollers with the bedknife, place the parallel controller on the bed knife and rest the measuring pins on the rolls. When there is no space left between the measuring pins and the rol, the bedknife is level with the rol.
Adjustment tools for mower and scarifying units.
Are you looking for tools to adjust your mowing or scarifying units? Browse through our wide assortment and save on the tools needed for adjusting. Request an offer of our favorably priced items or take a look at the products that you can order directly online. We make sure it gets delivered as fast as possible so you can use your much needed tools. The right tools make essential work like adjusting the mowing units much easier and more precise.
Use our Parallel controller, master gauge or verti-gauge, depending on the work you have to do. our adjustment tools are easily ordered online. With the tools in hand you have full controll of the machine. You can level the rolls or make them perpendicular. Adjusting the units is really simple, but when in doubt you can always check the manual that is provided with the product. Ensure you can make optimal use of your mowing and scarifying equipement.