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Product information "SCREW - SQ. HD. SET"

Machine part R412063 is a from our big online parts assortment. In our product range you will find original and non-original parts like our fitting alternatives from our won brand. We gladly help you with any questions about part or machine.

for Jacobsen

Machine parts come in all kind of forms and sizes. A check in the machine manual or parts manual of Jacobsen is a good measure to make sure the parts fit for your machine. In this machine manual or parts manual are technical drawings of the machine with the related parts lists. Before you buy a part, it is best to check if the part number is similar with the part number that we have given to our part. If this is the case, the part will most likely fit for the machine. If you have any questions at all about the product, ask our parts staff for advice.

is fitting for these part numbers

The with number R412063 can be used as a fitting replacement for several parts. The part numbers of these parts are: 16397 jacobsen 412063 lesco 010757.

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Product number: R412063
Manufacturer R&R Products
Replaces original
Jacobsen: 412063
Lesco: 10757
Lesco: 010757
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Jacobsen
Suitable for machine: Brouwer 3/5/7 Gang Mower, Brouwer Triplex 376A, Jacobsen Blitzer, Jacobsen Fairway, Jacobsen HF-5, Jacobsen HF-15, Jacobsen LF-100, Jacobsen LF-123, Jacobsen LF-128, Jacobsen LF-135, Jacobsen LF-550, Jacobsen LF-570, Jacobsen LF-3400, Jacobsen LF-3407, Jacobsen LF-3800, Jacobsen LF-4675, Jacobsen LF-4677, Jacobsen ST-5111, Lesco Fairway, R&R Products Power Lift 5133GD, R&R Products Power Lift 7180GD, Ransomes 5/7 Fairway, Ransomes 213, Ransomes 350, Roseman Fairway, Steiner Reel Mower
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