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TINE - NEEDLE 5MM (.196) X 4.75

Product information "TINE - NEEDLE 5MM (.196) X 4.75"

tine - needle 5mm (.196) x 4.75

Machine part R201423 is a tine - needle 5mm (.196) x 4.75 from our big online parts assortment. In our product range you will find original and non-original parts like our fitting alternatives from our won brand. Service is important to us so if you have any questions about a part or machine, you can always ask us for advice.

tine - needle 5mm (.196) x 4.75 for Toro

No machine part is the same. Check the parts manual or machine manual of your Toro machine to confirm if the parts fits for it. A parts manual or machine manual clearly shows which parts belong in the machine. When doing a purchase, have a good look and compare the part number of the machine with our part number for similarities. If there is a close match, it will be highly likely that it is a part that fits for the machine. When in doubt about the fit of the part, our service team is ready to help you.

tine - needle 5mm (.196) x 4.75 is fitting for these part numbers

The tine - needle 5mm (.196) x 4.75 with number R201423 can be used as a fitting replacement for several parts. The part numbers of these parts are: 13999.

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Product number: R201423
Manufacturer R&R Products
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Toro
Suitable for machine: Jacobsen GA-24, Ryan GA30, Ryan Greensaire II, Toro Greens Aerator
Mounting diameter: 0,197 inch
Outside diameter: 5 mm
Type: Alloy Solid Needle
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