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Product information "BASKET-GRASS"


Machine part R105-2439 is a BASKET-GRASS from our big online parts assortment. In this assortment you will find non-original parts and fitting alternatives. We gladly help you with any questions about part or machine.

BASKET-GRASS is fitting for these part numbers

The BASKET-GRASS with our part number R105-2439 is a fitting alternative voor one or more other (original and non original) parts. The part numbers of these parts are: Toro 105-2439.

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Product number: R105-2439
Manufacturer R&R Products
Replaces original
Toro: 105-2439
R&R Products: R104-2608
Toro: 104-2608
Technical details
Suitable for machine: Toro Greensmaster Flex 21
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