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Product information "Cover/battery"


The cover/battery with part number ISK-252265000100 is one of the parts in the growing assortment of RDM Parts. In our product range you will find original and non-original parts like our fitting alternatives from our won brand. At RDM Parts we focus on service, you can always ask us a question about the part or about your machine.

cover/battery for iseki

There are many differences between the parts of a machine, however close they may be in appearance. Check the parts manual or machine manual of your iseki machine to confirm if the parts fits for it. This manual schematically shows which part goes where on the machine, with a handy list of all parts that are in there. Before the purchase, make sure the part number in the manual and our part number closely match. If this is the case, the part will most likely fit for the machine. When in doubt about the fit of the part, our service team is ready to help you.

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Product number: ISK-252265000100
Manufacturer Iseki
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Iseki
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