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RDM-Wiedenmann Hollow Tine carbide tipped, Mounting-Ø Conus 3°

Product information "RDM-Wiedenmann Hollow Tine carbide tipped, Mounting-Ø Conus 3°"

rdm-wiedenmann hollow tine carbide tipped, mounting-ø conus 3°

Machine part RDM-W2536042H is a rdm-wiedenmann hollow tine carbide tipped, mounting-ø conus 3° from our big online parts assortment. In this assortment you will find non-original parts and fitting alternatives. Service is important to us so if you have any questions about a part or machine, you can always ask us for advice.

rdm-wiedenmann hollow tine carbide tipped, mounting-ø conus 3° for Wiedenmann

There are many differences between the parts of a machine, however close they may be in appearance. Having a parts manual ready to check if the part you found truly fits your Wiedenmann machine is handy. A parts manual or machine manual clearly shows which parts belong in the machine. When doing a purchase, have a good look and compare the part number of the machine with our part number for similarities. If there is a close match, it will be highly likely that it is a part that fits for the machine. If you have any questions about the part ask them to our parts specialists.

rdm-wiedenmann hollow tine carbide tipped, mounting-ø conus 3° is fitting for these part numbers

Our part with part number RDM-W2536042H fits as an alternative for several original and non-original parts. The part numbers of these parts are: 91639 w2536042h.p>.

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Product number: RDM-W2536042H
Manufacturer RDM Parts
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Wiedenmann
Product type: Supports
Mounting diameter: conus 3°
Type: Side eject tine
Working depth: 220 mm
Working depth: 26 mm
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