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Washer Ø24x2,5xØ15 63-9000

Product information "Washer Ø24x2,5xØ15 63-9000"

Washer Ø24x2,5xØ15 fitting for Bomford 05.282.08 - 05.281.04

The Washer Ø24x2,5xØ15 fitting for Bomford 05.282.08 - 05.281.04 with our part number 808-63-9000 is one of the parts from the broad range of machine parts for garden parc an golf machinery of RDM Parts. You cannot only find original parts in our assortment, but also profitable alternative parts that fit in place of the original. We understand that more information is needed sometimes to get the right part, so we gladly help you with any questions about your part or machine.

Specifications of the 05.282.08 - 05.281.04 and the 808-63-9000

The Washer Ø24x2,5xØ15 fitting for Bomford 05.282.08 - 05.281.04 from bomford is just as long as the 808-63-9000 from RDM Parts. The Washer Ø24x2,5xØ15 fitting for Bomford 05.282.08 - 05.281.04 is 2,5 millimeter long.

On what machines does the 808-63-9000 fit?

Comparable to the original with number 05.282.08 - 05.281.04 the 808-63-9000 fits for the machines of bomford. The 808-63-9000 is fitting for these parts: Bomford 05.282.08 - 05.281.04, and Agrimaster 1012414.

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Product number: 808-63-9000
Manufacturer Industriehof
Replaces original
Bomford: 05.282.08 - 05.281.04
Agrimaster: 1012414
Bomford: 05.282.08-05.281.04
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Agrimaster, Bomford
Product type: Washer
Boring: 15 mm
Inside diameter: 15 mm
Outside diameter: 24 mm
Thickness: 2.5 mm
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