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Hay tine fitting for Deutz-Fahr 06580456

Product information "Hay tine fitting for Deutz-Fahr 06580456"

Hay tine fitting for Deutz-Fahr 06580456

Machine part 808-15-DEU-01 is a Hay tine fitting for Deutz-Fahr 06580456 from our big online parts assortment. In our product range you will find original and non-original parts like our fitting alternatives from our won brand. Service is important to us so if you have any questions about a part or machine, you can always ask us for advice.

On what machines does the 808-15-DEU-01 fit?

the 808-15-DEU-01 and 06580456 fit on deutz fahr machinery. The 808-15-DEU-01 is fitting for these parts: Deutz-Fahr 06580456, and Pöttinger 436014.

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Product number: 808-15-DEU-01
Manufacturer Industriehof
Replaces original
Deutz-Fahr: 06580456
Pöttinger: 436014
Deutz-Fahr: VF06580456
Pottinger: 436.014
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Deutz Fahr
Product type: Hay tine
Colour: Grey
Diameter: 41 mm
Material Tickness: 9 mm
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