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Shear bolt M12 with self-locking nut fitting for Lemken Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013

Product information "Shear bolt M12 with self-locking nut fitting for Lemken Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013"

Shear bolt M12 with self-locking nut fitting for Lemken Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013

Machine part 808-1217570 is a Shear bolt M12 with self-locking nut fitting for Lemken Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013 from our big online parts assortment. We sell not only original parts, but also fitting alternatives. We understand that more information is needed sometimes to get the right part, so we gladly help you with any questions about your part or machine.

Specifications of the Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013 and the 808-1217570

What dimensions is the thread of the 808-1217570 Shear bolt M12 with self-locking nut fitting for Lemken Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013?

The measurements of the thread are indicated in metric sizes. These range from M1,00 until M68,00. The measurement of the thread is dictating if the product fits on the machine or on a bolt or nut. The thread of the 808-1217570 Shear bolt M12 with self-locking nut fitting for Lemken Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013 is m12x1,75.

On what machines does the 808-1217570 fit?

the 808-1217570 and Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013 fit on lemken machinery. The 808-1217570 is fitting for these parts: Lemken Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013.

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Product number: 808-1217570
Manufacturer Industriehof
Replaces original
Lemken: Schraube 3013409 - Mutter 3031013
Lemken: Schraube3013409-Mutter3031013
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Lemken
Product type: Bolts
Thread type: M12x1,75
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