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Wearing part fitting for Väderstad 460517

Product information "Wearing part fitting for Väderstad 460517"

Wearing part fitting for Väderstad 460517

Machine part 808-101.IND-568 is a Wearing part fitting for Väderstad 460517 from our big online parts assortment. In our product range you will find original and non-original parts like our fitting alternatives from our won brand. We gladly help you with any questions about part or machine.

Specifications of the 460517 and the 808-101.IND-568

The thickness of the Wearing part fitting for Väderstad 460517 is important for the way the part fits on the machine. The 460517 from vaderstad has a thickness of 8 millimeter. So the part from RDM Parts with number 808-101.IND-568 as an alternative for the machine.

On what machines does the 808-101.IND-568 fit?

Comparable to the original with number 460517 the 808-101.IND-568 fits for the machines of vaderstad. Use the 808-101.IND-568 as a fitting replacement for: Väderstad 460517.

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Product number: 808-101.IND-568
Manufacturer Industriehof
Replaces original
Väderstad: 460517
Technical details
Suitable for brand: Vaderstad
Product type: Wear parts
Bore length: 52 mm
Bore width: 13 mm
Material Tickness: 8 mm
Thickness: 8 mm
Wideness: 40 mm
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